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Gas power plane convert to Slope Glider?

Edwin 發表於 2011-3-30 01:44:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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I bought a 40 engine P51 Mustang, and I am going to fly it as slope glider without install the engine. Any Ching try this before? Do you think it is going to fly well?

Thank you.
gibson 發表於 2011-3-30 01:58:53 | 只看該作者
Yes, of course.  a lot of bros are doing that.  You may need to glide it with a strong wind!!
Make sure the right CG, that is!!
 樓主| Edwin 發表於 2011-3-30 14:47:44 | 只看該作者
Thank you Gibson. Can't wait to fly it.
highbeing 發表於 2011-3-31 10:20:32 | 只看該作者
普通天氣, 只靠熱氣流, 好勉強呀
 樓主| Edwin 發表於 2011-3-31 12:12:55 | 只看該作者
I guess it may need strong wind too, but I really love P51 and I could not find any P51 slope glider nowadays. (Some US company used to build them long time ago) Hopefully this plane will fly la.

ACDC 發表於 2011-3-31 12:44:15 | 只看該作者
in strong wind condition, even a star destroyer can fly ~ ~

actualy, i done so many "power into glider conversion" before.
you dont believe it,
the most performence one is a mig 15 ....
ACDC 發表於 2011-3-31 12:46:22 | 只看該作者
but always remember,
the stronger wind you get,
the easier to fly such a big scale...

...and more difficult to land it due to high speed in such swift condition.
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