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CVD & Universal shaft 點分別 ?

 樓主| WTO 發表於 2006-7-18 20:43:17 | 只看該作者
所以我覺得 < just my 2cents >
有得拆骨嘅萬向節 call CVD 較適合.
冇得拆骨嘅萬向節 call universal swing shaft 較適合.
雷公 發表於 2006-7-18 21:00:40 | 只看該作者
原帖由 WTO 於 2006-7-18 20:43 發表
所以我覺得 < just my 2cents >
有得拆骨嘅萬向節 call CVD 較適合.
冇得拆骨嘅萬向節 call universal swing shaft 較適合.

甘如果你鐘意甘樣叫都無問題﹐不過事實就係就算拆得既都係叫做UNIVERSAL SHAFT﹐HPI都清清楚楚講左CVD係MIP個TRADEMARK﹐即係話如果唔係MIP既萬向﹐你就唔可以叫CVD﹐同樣道理﹐KFC係無BIG MAC或巨無霸賣﹐任天堂係無PSP或PS2賣。
 樓主| WTO 發表於 2006-7-18 21:36:01 | 只看該作者
原帖由 雷公 於 2006-7-18 21:00 發表

甘如果你鐘意甘樣叫都無問題﹐不過事實就係就算拆得既都係叫做UNIVERSAL SHAFT﹐HPI都清清楚楚講左CVD係MIP個TRADEMARK﹐即係話如果唔係MIP既萬向﹐你就唔可以叫CVD﹐同樣道理﹐KFC係無BIG MAC或巨無霸賣﹐任天 ...

我係指hpi ,kyosho嘅萬向咁叫有乜問題呀 ? (1st pic is HPI , 2nd pic is Kyosho)  
另, 我咪寫咗兩種都係萬向節囉...煩人

至於MIP CVD 如冇為嗰種車出CVD當然唔可以叫CVD啦.....

原帖由 WTO 於 2006-7-18 17:25 發表
有人話Universal shaft 即係CVD ??!!

究竟邊條係CVD ? 邊條係Universal Shaft 呢 ?

請再睇睇我嘅問題........究竟邊條係CVD ? 邊條係Universal Shaft 呢 ?

原帖由 雷公 於 2006-7-18 17:33 發表
they are the same thing. quoted from http://www.hpiracing.com/glossary.htm

CVD -- An abbreviation for Constant Velocity Drive. "CVD" is a trademark of MIP (Moore's Ideal Pro ...

又係你自己答 they are same thing............
雷公 發表於 2006-7-18 23:39:09 | 只看該作者
universal shaft 咪即係萬向囉﹐CVD咪又係萬向囉
Yes, they are the same thing, both functionally and structurally.
Your question is too ambiguous, it's equivalent to asking: "可口可樂 & 汽水 點分別 ?"
 樓主| WTO 發表於 2006-7-19 09:35:30 | 只看該作者
原帖由 雷公 於 2006-7-18 23:39 發表
universal shaft 咪即係萬向囉﹐CVD咪又係萬向囉
Yes, they are the same thing, both functionally and structurally.
Your question is too ambiguous, it's equivalent to asking: "可口可樂 & 汽 ...

咁你又入嚟回post !!! 你好煩 !!

ps. 你嘅心事解决未 ???
oliver 發表於 2006-7-20 16:23:56 | 只看該作者
原帖由 WTO 於 2006-7-19 09:35 發表

咁你又入嚟回post !!! 你好煩 !!

ps. 你嘅心事解决未 ???

monkichi0210 發表於 2006-7-20 16:58:34 | 只看該作者
just want to say something.....
the things brother thunder said are the truth......that's it!!!
萬向狗骨 = universal shaft
CVD = 萬向狗骨 = universal shaft......but CVD is the trademark of MIP.........so u can't said for example tamiya universal shaft = tamiya CVD......
said anything is CVD or not............not depends on it can change the parts or not.......just depends it's from MIP or not......so simple
if bro. understand the example of cola........should be understand the case of universal shaft.......  
bro. don't argue la......to be fair la.......
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