RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

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F109 shell

gimsink 發表於 2009-10-9 14:15:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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all ching, see see my most ugly F1 shell ever paint in the Hong Kong RC histroy la !!  spray semi-transperant blue + no painting original white plastic part + extreme ugly label + some old label out of warehouse box....like it ??
Marco明 發表於 2009-10-9 14:43:48 | 只看該作者
 樓主| gimsink 發表於 2009-10-9 15:07:22 | 只看該作者
I had not put the driver head on...I think no driver is willing to sit on this ugly car...
Also, the 3 racing driver head does not fit the shell !!
I see there is a LED light for the rear end in KWS, where should I plug ? 3rd channel ??
jypepe 發表於 2009-10-9 15:17:08 | 只看該作者
it's beautiful, i can see a heart on this car, let's cheer up
abcde 發表於 2009-10-14 10:15:46 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 abcde 於 2009-10-14 10:17 編輯

4# gimsink

you can go to 深水 find find (few dollor) ....must cheaper then KWS...($xx)
just find some red led with 3/5V....then direct connect it to the receiver battery 位
hardmankam 發表於 2009-10-14 10:57:28 | 只看該作者
4# gimsink

you can go to 深水 find find (few dollor) ....must cheaper then KWS...($xx)
just find some red led with 3/5V....then direct connect it to the receiver battery 位
abcde 發表於 2009-10-14 10:15

It is better to connect a 150ohm resister in series with the LED.
 樓主| gimsink 發表於 2009-10-14 17:05:44 | 只看該作者
OK thanks chings, I will DIY, LED (HK$2) + 150ohm resister (HK$0.5 la), easy job!  
What about if I make it blue or green ? ghost fire...haha...
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