RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

樓主: billgate803
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Axial Wraith Spawn 差速一問

965 發表於 2014-12-24 12:12:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Yeah .. EXO diff will work ..   keep very thick diff fluid .... 100K plus .. you may keep one diff locked ..

Yeti would be better choice ... already with brushless .. if you want to make the Wraith fast, will need brushless anyway ..

Yeti is also on sale from Tower for $329 US this week ...  (I think ~ $60 to ship to HK ...  ) if no stock in HK ..
965 發表於 2014-12-24 15:59:53 | 顯示全部樓層
billgate803 發表於 2014-12-24 15:51

I tried 頭差尾直係部 EXO ... 快就快... 不過都係用番差差... 尼度d路太差啦 ...
965 發表於 2014-12-25 01:55:08 | 顯示全部樓層
But that is exo ...  not wraith .. I keep wraith all stock ...   not that my style ..
965 發表於 2014-12-26 02:46:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 965 於 2014-12-26 02:48 編輯

I wish I still live in Hong Kong ..  

965 發表於 2014-12-26 15:07:46 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 965 於 2014-12-26 15:10 編輯
1BM 發表於 2014-12-26 14:33
加拿大住得唔開心咩 ? 加記空氣好wo , 只系交通方面 , shopping方面 不及香港方便咁解姐 ...

開心就冇乜架啦, 空氣好 .. true gei ..  but sick all the time ... (dramatic weather change .. ) 起碼冇香港咁熱, 零下三四十度總比正三十幾易過 ....  *_*

算啦,吾好提....行錯路,差錯步 ... 鬼叫自己細個冇好好地讀書咩...  
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