RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

標題: 請問有咩賽車GAME好玩? [打印本頁]

作者: 1524    時間: 2010-8-13 17:09
標題: 請問有咩賽車GAME好玩?
GT5 等極都出唔到,
唔知仲有咩好o既賽車game 呢(for ps3 或 xbox360)?
作者: jypepe    時間: 2010-8-13 17:15
等XBOX 隻 WRC 同 F1 等到頸都長
作者: ivanlee102324    時間: 2010-8-13 17:27
need for speed 遲d出新wo!!等下鮮
作者: carvenchow    時間: 2010-8-13 17:42
作者: lyboy    時間: 2010-8-13 19:15
作者: Sin    時間: 2010-8-13 22:32
Due to the long wait of GT5, now I play the Xbox Froza 3........
作者: 1524    時間: 2010-8-16 10:58
回復 6# Sin

Forza 3 睇demo好似好正.  不過唔知玩時d handling 點呢?
好怕 d 好似渣船咁o既賽車game
作者: alex2k2    時間: 2010-8-16 11:45
Split/second http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpnUzI04_1s
作者: jypepe    時間: 2010-8-16 11:47
回復 7# 1524

    以前玩GT4轉玩FORZA3.....初初用手制上O既JOYSTICK會唔慣, 用落左覺得XBOX手制好唔錯, 尤其係用左右兩個TRIGGER控油門迫力O既輕重, 仲可以落住迫力一邊比油門(架車反應會有D唔同...好得意).....
操控唔錯, 同GT係有D分別不過接受到

讚: 有得撞爛D車, (GT撞極唔爛?!...)
彈: 冇LICENCE MODE, 冇MISSION 果D得意野玩, (個人覺得GT入面呢D模式對學點樣跑得快D好有幫助)
作者: 1524    時間: 2010-8-16 11:58
回復 9# jypepe

thank you ching詳盡講解
作者: Sin    時間: 2010-8-16 18:05
回復 7# 1524

In Froza 3, if you tune the car in details (usually as player done in the racing game), the car handling/response will not worse than the GT series.
My other favourate for the Xbox 360 is the Race Pro, this game include a complete Macau ciricuit.
作者: 1524    時間: 2010-8-16 18:11
回復  1524

In Froza 3, if you tune the car in details (usually as player done in the racing game ...
Sin 發表於 2010-8-16 18:05

wow....it seems so attractive!!
i always wonder the handling of these "american style" racing game.  but after the explainations of you and other ching, i think i will go for them~

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