RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房 - 香港RC遙控車討論區

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Avante Road Test (DF03 owner/buyer must read)

bigben 發表於 2007-6-12 10:19:40 | 顯示全部樓層
Brother, I have encountered a problem in steering and see whether you can help.

The situation is that my dark impact was crashed to the wall corner and the front left wheel was loosen with some parts damaged. I then changed the damage parts and use the universal shaft for the front wheels.

However, whenver I now steer the wheels to the left, I find that there is a "click click" sound from the left wheel which make the left turning a bit unsmooth.... it sound like that the wheel hit the turning rod.... but I can't do nothing....

do you have these experience and how to solve??
bigben 發表於 2007-6-13 12:39:34 | 顯示全部樓層

thanks a lot!!
but I have replaced it with new screw !!! (as it is easy to be loosen)
but still some problem....

ah, I suggest the universal shaft (for the front wheel) get the first pripority in the hop-ups list.
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手機版|小黑屋|RC EVOLUTION - 遙控工房

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