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tanksamho 發表於 2010-6-16 14:51:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


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wa2010wa 發表於 2010-7-18 23:55:38 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 wa2010wa 於 2010-7-19 12:11 編輯

goflygo 發表於 2010-7-17 10:34:10 | 只看該作者
回復 46# zifu

Yea, I know, I still recall my first RC equipment was a Futaba 27Mhz 4ch AM and all the servos were of 3 pin male. I also DIY home make my own RC equipment , a 8ch 27Mhz AM transmitter and receiver from discreted parts when I was still a Form 3 student. But at that time the servos were running on pulse width control signal so called the digital proportional system already. So thats why I am so surprise that there were some other system running on "Sine wave signal"??? and really want to learn somethings from you.
zifu 發表於 2010-7-17 09:23:03 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 zifu 於 2010-7-17 09:24 編輯

do you know, at this time the tx by am only. no fm no pcm and 2.4g.
zifu 發表於 2010-7-17 09:19:28 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 zifu 於 2010-7-17 09:21 編輯

回復 44# goflygo

the s148 has not bb which socket by pin not by plug
goflygo 發表於 2010-7-17 06:34:27 | 只看該作者
回復 43# zifu

Oh, mine was not that old, its around 15 years old but still working. I only know it was a early version of the S3001 which has 1 BB and has exactly the same specifications. I really want to know how it (yours very old S148) works with sine wave signal input.
BTW was there any receiver has sine wave signal output to servo? Any brand name you like to mention?
thanks a lot!
zifu 發表於 2010-7-17 03:17:47 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 zifu 於 2010-7-17 03:35 編輯

    have you an old one?  over 25years ago
goflygo 發表於 2010-7-17 03:04:52 | 只看該作者
回復 41# zifu

Futaba S148???? are you kidding or want to fool me? I have one and it is working on Pulse width signal control , a standard of existing servos on the market nowaday, centre pulse width is 1.52ms. Do you really understand what is Sine wave signal?
here is the link for S148 specfications:

zifu 發表於 2010-7-17 01:03:29 | 只看該作者
Well, never heard that a servo working on sine wave input, what was it? I would like to learn so ...
goflygo 發表於 2010-7-16 21:56

futaba s148
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-16 23:07:29 | 只看該作者
No problem, Zifu 上來吹下水討論下之嘛, 唔係要你答問題. 其實我都冇乜問題要你答, 况且呢個 topic 既問題呀 Bro Tam 巳完滿地解答了, 而呀 Bro tanksamho 巳經完全明白

但上面呀 Bro goflygo 想請教下或者一齊探討下有關你提及既 servo 波長既問題, 你有冇 mood 一齊吹下呀 ?

我就真係一D idea 都冇....小弟既短見係就算係三隻最新既 digital 行埋 coreless motor 既 servos, 新既都可能有出入, 只不過肉眼睇唔到, 用耐左如果開始睇到出入原因係 servo 內既電子零件, 摩打 and/or servo 齒輪 wear out. 同行乜野波又有乜關係呢 ?

goflygo 發表於 2010-7-16 21:56:48 | 只看該作者
回復  GTRTam

ccpm 已經存在很久了, 有25年玩機經驗的都知道,但當時為什麼沒有發展下來呢? 因為當時的s ...
zifu 發表於 2010-7-16 08:52

Well, never heard that a servo working on sine wave input, what was it? I would like to learn something about their working theory. Thanks!
zifu 發表於 2010-7-16 21:25:22 | 只看該作者
回復 37# GTRTam

因為現在不是討論Cyclic Collective Pitch Mixing or Mechanical Cyclic Collective Pitch Mixing
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-16 19:36:48 | 只看該作者
好呀, 大家有時間咪討論下
CCPM 就有左應該唔只25年, 今日我地講緊既 CCPM 都係指 Electronic Cyclic / Collective Pitch ( or 有人叫 Progarm ) Control. Zifu 你有冇玩過 elevator 同 lateral servos 係獨立冇 mixing, 而呢兩隻 servos 係 mount 響一個 platform 度, 令外一隻獨立 servo 用槓桿原理將成個 platform 推上推落改變 collective pitch ?
呢種叫 Mechanical CCPM. 我就真冇諗過 servo D 波長, 但如果當時你或者用番 MCCPM, 咁就唔駛月月換 servos, 你係咪比模型鋪點你呀 ?!
Swashplate 果個 point, 由其而家講緊既係 helicopter swashplate, 你可以咁講但 swashplate 其實唔係 helicopter 專用ga. 某D引擎都係用 swashplate, 叫 barrel engine. 用 pistons ( 傘 ) 推動 swashplate 而唔係常見既 crankshaft. Swashplate 其實係一個原理, 但當然你叫傳動盆亦都非常切合
zifu 發表於 2010-7-16 08:52:12 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 zifu 於 2010-7-16 15:16 編輯

回復 34# GTRTam

ccpm 已經存在很久了, 有25年玩機經驗的都知道,但當時為什麼沒有發展下來呢? 因為當時的servo 是行audio 正弦波的, 不是方波,不是數碼, 所以3個servo速度共用了一段很短時間就有差別了,一個月要換3個servo 你玩唔玩呢....
因3個servo速度有異,上升時就不是直上了,會偏飛向較慢servo 這邊的,
zifu 發表於 2010-7-16 08:38:27 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 zifu 於 2010-7-16 15:09 編輯

回復 34# GTRTam

現在問題是說 swash plate , swash plate 是一件受servo 去改變角度而變化的物體, servo 則受 receiver指令而變化角度, receiver 的指令來自 transmitter, ccpm 只不過在 transmiter 發射前已用program 去 mixing,
所以 swash plate , 怎麼說都是一件傳動件不是自動件, 無servo 推干他能動嗎?
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-16 03:10:31 | 只看該作者
重有呀 Bro zifu, swash plate 行 CCPM, 有3-4個 servos 比 input, 莫非3-4隻servos你可以獨立控制在手 ? 你比 input, 但三個 servos 係 mixing by the TX to translate your inputs into cyclic as well as the collective pitch. 唔係自動唔通真係手動 ? 你只是發出指令, 而你既指令需要3-4個servos配合, 這個配合係自動的. 我好想睇你玩手動的, 聽閒早期發展時飛到最多10秒....你又飛到幾耐 ? 我係老過你既大學生 係沘咪教八成定十成 ?
GTRTam 發表於 2010-7-16 02:44:35 | 只看該作者
平衡杆+副翼, 主要有兩大功能. 1. 機身平衡. 2.機身傾斜控制.   

1. 機身平衡.
副翼在平衡杆兩端高速轉 ...
Tam 發表於 2010-7-3 18:44

Excellent explanation & good attitude !! 呢D答案先叫師夫, 係教足十成既師夫
我冇玩好耐, 最近行街上綱見到咩 flybarless system, 重要間間都出. 路過問D機仔野, 睇到呢個 reply, 又學多左野, Thank you !
 樓主| tanksamho 發表於 2010-7-15 22:58:51 | 只看該作者
zifu 發表於 2010-7-10 21:23:12 | 只看該作者
You are so good , c hing, only you would reply that guy.  really waste gas.......! or have other ...
intelhk 發表於 2010-7-10 13:38

zifu 發表於 2010-7-10 21:19:29 | 只看該作者
本帖最後由 zifu 於 2010-7-10 21:24 編輯

swash plate 亦有人叫水平盤,好多人誤會作水平用,很簡單,快巴兩邊唔平衡,水平盆平,4邊對主軸90度,但飛起來時,可以水平嗎?可以平衡嗎? 隻機都唔知飛左去邊..
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